About Follow The Founder

Our Aim

To offer a different, more authentic view of the journey to entrepreneurship and the many ways to achieve this title. Through authentically discussing the challenges, achievements, and lifestyles of entrepreneurs around the globe.

Our Mission

To share more about the lifestyle, challenges, achievements, and the process on a global scale. Sharing holistic healthy habits, tips & tricks to building a business, the benefits of global travel, and providing a mental tool belt to success.

Meet Annalee

Annalee is the Founder and CEO of Bash Creative, Inc., a boutique event strategy and production agency based in San Francisco, California. Specializing in meticulously crafting and executing events for discerning brands and private clients, Annalee has played a pivotal role in helping dozens of brands create resourceful and imaginative experiences for their external and internal audiences.

Driven by a perpetual pursuit of adventure and new experiences, Annalee currently embraces the lifestyle of a “digital nomad,” residing abroad. In this capacity, she immerses herself in diverse cultures, enhances her understanding of managing a global business, and expands her network to include individuals with unique perspectives from around the world.

Throughout her career, Annalee has harbored a profound passion for connecting people and providing mentorship across all stages of their professional journeys. As she commemorates her 10-year anniversary of self-employment, she channels this passion into creating Follow The Founder. Recognizing the inherent challenges of entrepreneurship and the occasional feelings of isolation and overwhelm, Annalee endeavours to establish a platform and community for fellow founders who navigate similar paths.

Contact Us!

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